Monday, December 21, 2009

Elliott's Favorite Things

Now that Elliott is growing up he is forming his own opinions and developing his own taste. I have to say that some of these tastes are influenced by his Daddy. Frank introduces him to things and Elliott decides if he likes them. Right Now Elliott's favorite toys are his Dinosaurs. He is collecting Imaginext Dinosaurs and we found a website with Dinosaur gear and he was sure to tell us what he wanted. He picked his shoes, hat, lunch box and back pack. At first I just ordered the shoes and when they came in he said, "Where is my hat and backpack?" As you can see from the pictures he got them.

The Hulk is Elliott's favorite super hero right now. He loves to wear his Hulk mask and hands out in public because he thinks he is scaring people. He asked his Grandma Rosie to take him to Toys R Us and buy the mask and hands for him and sure enough she did.

Elliott loves to rock out with his friends when they come over to play. That's his Daddy's influence. He also loves to watch Thundarr the Barbarian and old Godzilla movies with Amelia and Daddy. He is really turning into an interesting little boy!

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