Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catherine and Matthew's Birthday

Catherine and Matthew celebrated their birthdays at Tumble Weeds and it was a great party! The kids loved running around on the hamster wheel, jumping on the moon bounce and playing air hockey.

Their favorite part of the party was the zip line. Amelia went down it over and over until she fell flat on her face and busted her lip and knocked out her bottom tooth. Luckily it was a baby tooth that was already loose. That did not stop her though. As soon as the bleeding stopped and she calmed down she was right back on the zip line. Elliott decided he wanted to ride it also and did not want me to touch or help me. He would only let Amelia lift him up and help him. He hung on for dear life and went down it over and over. I thought I was going to have a heart attack but luckily we all survived.

It was a great party. Happy Birthday Catherine and Matthew we love you and are so glad we could celebrate your birthday with you.

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