Amelia started playing soccer and had her first game this Saturday, which they won. She plays for The Power Team and guess who came up with that name??? Amelia of course! At our parent meeting we decided to let the kids come up with the name. When I told Amelia about it she wanted the name to be the Power Puff Girls but I explained to her that boys would be on the team so she settled on The Power Team. When the team got together and the team Mom asked for suggestions Amelia was the first to blurt out hers. There werr 3 other suggestions and the one with the loudest screams got picked. Amelia immediately started chanting over and over " THE POWER TEAM, THE POWER TEAM" so of course all the other kids joined in. The team Mom settled them down and called out The Power Team and Amelia screamed at the top of her lungs and the rest of the team joined in. She did not make a peep for the other names and no one else did either. So her team name got picked. When I was watching all this unfold I could not help but realize that the girl can be just like me at times. God help her!
I thought Amelia would hate all the running but she does not. She is pretty aggressive and always goes after the ball and pays attention. Her good friend Kendall is on her team so Amelia is very happy about that. Kendall is an excellent goalie. So far we are off to a good start. The only problem we have is trying to keep Elliott off the field. He is ready to play.
Cute! She's so funny..a girl who knows what she wants! :)
Ella played soccer once but was not so much of a "team player", she would get mad and fold her arms if she didn't have the ball. So we moved on to tball! So far she loves it! Can you believe our girls are so grown up?!
Gotta love a girl who isn't afraid to wear a sweat band!!
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