We could not be more proud of the young little lady Amelia is becoming. She is a very kind, loving, empathetic, honest, smart and confident girl that will tell you exactly what is on her mind. She loves life just like any happy child should. In the past year her accomplishments are that she has learned to read and write very well, she is a great swimmer and can swim freestyle, under water and the backstroke. Her favorite things to do are to play with her Brother and any and all kids, talk on the phone to her Grandma Rosie and Nana, draw, read and imaginary play with her many toys. Oh yeah, she also has a loose tooth (her very 1st baby tooth)!

She can be challenging at times but what can I say, that's the way we made her. She is a great Big Sister, Daughter, Granddaughter, Cousin and Friend.

Amelia is a great girl because of all the wonderful people in her life that are helping to raise her, set a great example for her and shower her with love. Thank you to all of our family and friends that are raising her along with us.
Amelia, your Mommy and Daddy love you more then words can say. You have brought more joy into our lives then we could ever imagine. Thank you for the wonderful, kind, loving person that you are today and the person you will become.
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