Amelia started pre-k4 today. She was so excited to be back at school. She ran into the classroom and never looked back at me. I had to ask her to come back out and give me a kiss. There are a total of 9 kids in her class (3 girls and 6 boys) and 6 of them were in her pre-k3 class last year. They were all so happy to see each other again. Her teacher is Mrs. Ginn and she seems really great. She was nice enough to take pictures throughout the day and email them to us. So we got to see what her first day was like. We are working our way up to Kindergarten. I still have not decided if she will go to public school or stay where she is at for kinder. Well see, I can't think that far ahead right now. Elliott got to go back to Gymboree today but I did not get pictures because Nana took him.

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